GED Calculator

The GED Calculator is a part of the chargeless online GED courses that assist students to be ready for the GED Math test. Math is characetrized as the most difficult of all GED tests. Students can utilize the calculator for coping with 75% of the GED Math test questions.

There is only one type of calculator allowed on the Math test: the TI-30 XS Multiview Scientific Calculator. There are two analogs of the TI-30 XS, a hand-held device and an e-version.

Students can have their own calculator to the adult learning center where also an on-screen version is showed on the desktop screen, but if they take the GED Math exam online, they are required to use the digital, on-screen version of the calculator.

The TI-30 XS works in a different mode than a “normal” one that you, for example, use on your gadget. So you have to undergo some practice to cope with the GED math questions by applying a scientific calculator.